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- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EAutomatic annotation of linguistic 2D and Kinect recordings with the Media Query Language for Elan
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FChartEx: a project to extract information from the content of medieval charters and create a virtual workbench for historians to work with this information
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CCounting Words with Henry James: Towards a Quantitative Hermeneutics
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FCULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EDigging into Human Rights Violations: phrase mining and trigram visualization
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EEighteenth- and Twenty-First-Century Genres of Topical Knowledge
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FExpanding and connecting the annotation tool ELAN
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EThe German Language of the Year 1933. Building a Diachronic Text Corpus for Historical German Language Studies.
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DScientific Visualization for the Digital Humanities as CLARIN-D Web Applications
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, CBA 143The Sounds of the Psalter: Computational Analysis of Phonological Parallelism in Biblical Hebrew Poetry
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Tropes, Context and Computation: An approach to digital poetics
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DTXM Platform for analysis of TEI encoded textual sources
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Uncovering Reprinting Networks in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CWord-level Language Identification in “The Chymistry of Isaac Newton“
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DXQuery databases for language resources in the IAIA and UyLVs Projects