Sort by:
Alphabetical | Count- visualization - 15
- TEI - 10
- authorship attribution - 6
- encoding - 6
- annotation - 5
- collaboration - 5
- crowdsourcing - 5
- history - 5
- poetry - 5
- scholarly communication - 5
- text analysis - 5
- text mining - 5
- archives - 4
- database - 4
- GIS - 4
- interdisciplinary - 4
- pedagogy - 4
- semantic web - 4
- classification - 3
- curriculum - 3
- data modeling - 3
- data visualization - 3
- digital collections - 3
- digital humanities - 3
- Digitisation - 3
- geography - 3
- markup - 3
- metadata - 3
- natural language processing - 3
- open access - 3
- publishing - 3
- social media - 3
- Social Networks - 3
- software - 3
- stylometry - 3
- topic modeling - 3
- transcription - 3
- uncertainty - 3
- User Studies - 3
- Visualization - 3
- 3D - 2
- access - 2
- archaeology - 2
- citation analysis - 2
- collation - 2
- community-sourcing - 2
- community - 2
- computational stylistics - 2
- content management system - 2
- corpus - 2
- crowdsourcing interpretation - 2
- CSS - 2
- cultural heritage - 2
- cyberinfrastructure - 2
- digital fabrication - 2
- education - 2
- endangered languages - 2
- environment - 2
- ethnography - 2
- geocritique - 2
- historical studies - 2
- information visualization - 2
- infrastructure - 2
- Interdisciplinary - 2
- interface design - 2
- Iota - 2
- Linked Data - 2
- linked open data - 2
- literary analysis - 2
- literary history - 2
- mapping - 2
- maps - 2
- materiality - 2
- method - 2
- ontologies - 2
- peer review - 2
- RDF - 2
- research - 2
- Sensemaking - 2
- social network analysis - 2
- social networks - 2
- sound - 2
- survey - 2
- systematic bibliography - 2
- Text Analysis - 2
- Text analysis - 2
- text corpora - 2
- text encoding - 2
- time - 2
- txm - 2
- user interface - 2
- web services - 2
- Zeta - 2
- #Alt-academics - 1
- 3D reconstruction - 1
- 4Humanities - 1
- accessiblity - 1
- adapter - 1
- adaptivity - 1
- administration - 1
- agent-based modeling - 1
- aggregation - 1
- AIDS Memorial Quilt - 1
- Algorithm - 1
- Allusion - 1
- alt-ac - 1
- Altmetrics - 1
- Amateurs - 1
- american - 1
- analysis - 1
- Ancient Philosophy - 1
- annotation ontologies - 1
- Annotation - 1
- API - 1
- application - 1
- app - 1
- Architecture - 1
- architecture - 1
- Archives - 1
- archive - 1
- Arduino - 1
- artificial societies - 1
- assortativity - 1
- Astronomical Clock - 1
- Atlanta - 1
- attitudes - 1
- atylometry - 1
- audio - 1
- authority file - 1
- Authorship problem - 1
- authorship - 1
- automated - 1
- Bangladesh - 1
- Bible - 1
- Bibliometrics - 1
- bibliometrics - 1
- Big Culture - 1
- biography - 1
- BitCurator - 1
- bitcurator - 1
- BL Labs - 1
- bookbinding stuctures - 1
- bootstrap - 1
- born-digital curation - 1
- born-digital - 1
- British Library - 1
- browser based platform - 1
- Buddhist studies - 1
- building - 1
- C19 - 1
- Calendar, Book of Hours, Annotation, Transcription - 1
- calendars - 1
- capturing metadata - 1
- catalogue based auto-completion - 1
- catalogue - 1
- cellular automaton - 1
- character encoding - 1
- character interaction networks - 1
- character networks - 1
- character voices - 1
- citation networks - 1
- civil war - 1
- Classics - 1
- classifiers - 1
- Class - 1
- Clustering - 1
- clustering - 1
- collaborative authorship - 1
- collaborative environment - 1
- collaborative technologies - 1
- collaborative work space - 1
- collaborative writing - 1
- collaborative - 1
- collation web-application - 1
- collective inteligence - 1
- commensurability - 1
- communication - 1
- communities of practice - 1
- Community - 1
- complex systems - 1
- computational archaeology - 1
- connectivity index - 1
- consortium - 1
- contemporary literature - 1
- contemporary romance - 1
- content management systems - 1
- Conversion - 1
- corpus annotation - 1
- corpus queries - 1
- correspondence patterns - 1
- correspondences - 1
- Crowdsourcing interpretation - 1
- Crowdsourcing - 1
- cultural diffusion - 1
- cultural heritage institutions - 1
- Cultural Heritage - 1
- cultural studies - 1
- curation - 1
- Curriculum - 1
- DARIAH - 1
- data management - 1
- data mining - 1
- data services - 1
- Database design - 1
- databases - 1
- datasets - 1
- dates - 1
- Day of Digital Humanities - 1
- daylighting - 1
- Delta - 1
- dendrograms - 1
- Descriptor-based representations - 1
- design - 1
- desktop fabrication - 1
- development methodology - 1
- development - 1
- Devonshire Manuscript - 1
- DH - 1
- diagrams - 1
- digging into data - 1
- digital archaeology - 1
- Digital archive - 1
- digital archive - 1
- digital content - 1
- Digital Divide - 1
- digital document - 1
- digital editions - 1
- digital edition - 1
- digital emblematica - 1
- digital environment - 1
- digital forensics - 1
- digital history - 1
- digital humanities education project management curriculum - 1
- Digital Humanities Facilities - 1
- Digital Humanities Institutional Support - 1
- Digital Humanities - 1
- digital imaging - 1
- Digital Libraries - 1
- Digital paleography - 1
- Digital Reading Room - 1
- digital scholarship - 1
- digital textual criticism - 1
- digital text - 1
- digital thematic research collections - 1
- digital training - 1
- digital_libraries - 1
- digitalization - 1
- disability - 1
- disciplines - 1
- disorganized data - 1
- distant reading - 1
- Document classification - 1
- document linking - 1
- Dream of the Red Chamber - 1
- Drupal - 1
- drupal - 1
- Dutch literature - 1
- dyadic pulsations - 1
- dyads - 1
- EAD - 1
- early modern English - 1
- Early Modern manuscript - 1
- Early Modern - 1
- ecologies - 1
- ecology - 1
- editing - 1
- EEBO-TCP - 1
- eighteenth century - 1
- elBulli - 1
- electronic literature - 1
- embedded system - 1
- employment - 1
- encoding methodologies - 1
- Entity Extraction - 1
- epistolary novels - 1
- ePub - 1
- Estimation Analysis - 1
- eversion - 1
- Experimental literature - 1
- exquisite corpse - 1
- fab lab - 1
- Face Recognition - 1
- fan studies - 1
- federation - 1
- feedback loop - 1
- feminism - 1
- film history - 1
- Finding Aids - 1
- forensics - 1
- formal analysis - 1
- France - 1
- FRBR - 1
- french classical theater - 1
- full-music search - 1
- functional programming - 1
- Game Engine - 1
- games - 1
- gaming - 1
- Gender - 1
- gender - 1
- genre - 1
- geo-spatial annotations - 1
- geoparsing - 1
- Gephi - 1
- german studies - 1
- gesture - 1
- GIS, HGIS, temporal GIS, data quality control - 1
- GLAM - 1
- global - 1
- glossaries - 1
- Google - 1
- graduate course - 1
- graduate curriculum - 1
- graduate education - 1
- graph modeling - 1
- grounded theory - 1
- Guibert of Gembloux - 1
- HathiTrust - 1
- Henry James - 1
- hermeneutics - 1
- Hildegard of Bingen - 1
- Hispanic Studies - 1
- historic structures - 1
- historical financial records - 1
- Historical Reconstruction - 1
- historical - 1
- historiography - 1
- History of Art - 1
- history of the book - 1
- Holocaust literature - 1
- Homer - 1
- Hosting environment - 1
- HTML5 - 1
- HTML - 1
- HTRC - 1
- human computer interaction - 1
- Human Emotions - 1
- human rights data analysis - 1
- humanities advocacy - 1
- humanities scholarship - 1
- humanities - 1
- iconography - 1
- identification - 1
- illuminated manuscripts - 1
- image calibration tool - 1
- image quality - 1
- image search - 1
- Image-based electronic editions - 1
- import - 1
- imprecision - 1
- incidental crowdsourcing - 1
- indexical knowledge - 1
- indexing - 1
- influence - 1
- information modeling - 1
- Infrastructures - 1
- Infrastructure - 1
- institutional priorities - 1
- integration - 1
- interactive narrative - 1
- interdisciplinary research - 1
- Interface Design - 1
- interface - 1
- interior design - 1
- interlinear text - 1
- interoperability - 1
- introductory programming course - 1
- Islandora - 1
- iterative publication - 1
- Japanese early modern literatures - 1
- Javascript - 1
- javascript - 1
- Jazz History Archives - 1
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1
- joint publication - 1
- journal publication - 1
- keywords - 1
- Kinetics - 1
- knitting - 1
- knowledge management - 1
- knowledge representation - 1
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek - 1
- Kuse - 1
- language identifiction - 1
- large-scale digitization - 1
- large-scale - 1
- Learning lessons - 1
- lesser-used languages - 1
- lexicon tool - 1
- lexomics - 1
- liberal arts - 1
- Libraries - 1
- libraries - 1
- library staff - 1
- linguistic prosthesis - 1
- linked data - 1
- Linked Open Data - 1
- literary communities - 1
- literary reception - 1
- literary theory - 1
- literate computing - 1
- literature - 1
- LMNL - 1
- loose coupling - 1
- Machine Learning - 1
- machine learning - 1
- maker space - 1
- maker - 1
- manuscript - 1
- MapServer - 1
- Marginalization - 1
- material culture - 1
- media history - 1
- MediaWiki - 1
- media - 1
- medieval charters - 1
- medieval literature - 1
- medieval studies - 1
- metaphor - 1
- Microsoft Excel - 1
- migration - 1
- mining - 1
- mobile applications, - 1
- mobile augmented reality - 1
- mobile devices - 1
- mobile web app - 1
- mobile web - 1
- mobile - 1
- modeling - 1
- modelling - 1
- model - 1
- most frequent words - 1
- motion-capture - 1
- movement - 1
- movies - 1
- MQL - 1
- multidimensional methods - 1
- Multimedia - 1
- multimedia - 1
- music, semantic web, usability, linked open data - 1
- music - 1
- mutimedia - 1
- n-grams - 1
- Narrative - 1
- Narratology - 1
- Natural disaster - 1
- natural language - 1
- natural light - 1
- naturalization - 1
- NetLogo - 1
- Network Analysis - 1
- network relationship - 1
- networks - 1
- newspapers - 1
- NGram - 1
- nineteenth-century American history - 1
- NLP - 1
- Noh - 1
- non-binary - 1
- non-consumptive - 1
- Normalisation - 1
- normalisation - 1
- note-taking - 1
- NYPL - 1
- OCR - 1
- OER - 1
- Old Assyrian studies - 1
- on-the-fly - 1
- online bibliography - 1
- online communities - 1
- online community - 1
- online reading - 1
- online research - 1
- Online - 1
- online - 1
- ontology - 1
- Open Educational Resources - 1
- Open Education - 1
- open hardware - 1
- open source - 1
- open-set problem - 1
- optical music recognition - 1
- optimal experiment design - 1
- oral history - 1
- overlap - 1
- Paintings - 1
- paratext - 1
- parchment - 1
- patterns - 1
- pedadgoy - 1
- Pedagogy - 1
- peer-review - 1
- pegagogy - 1
- performance - 1
- personal manufacturing - 1
- Philosophy - 1
- phonological parallelism - 1
- Phonology - 1
- photograph - 1
- physical computing - 1
- place-name recognition - 1
- platform development - 1
- platform - 1
- plays - 1
- plot, narratology - 1
- Plot - 1
- Podcast - 1
- Poetry - 1
- Politics - 1
- portal - 1
- posthumanities/multispecies - 1
- praxis - 1
- preservation - 1
- Principal Component Analysis - 1
- Principal component analysis - 1
- probabilistic latent variable models - 1
- programming - 1
- project management - 1
- prosopography - 1
- prototype, scholarly edition, environment, visualization, intervention - 1
- prototype - 1
- prototyping - 1
- provenancing - 1
- public art - 1
- public domain - 1
- Publication - 1
- quality aspects - 1
- queer history - 1
- query - 1
- Race - 1
- Random Forests - 1
- Rating articles - 1
- reading habits - 1
- Reading - 1
- recommender system - 1
- reliabiblity - 1
- remembrance - 1
- reprinting - 1
- requirements engineering - 1
- research tools - 1
- resources - 1
- resource - 1
- Reuse - 1
- Reverse Image Lookup - 1
- rhetoric - 1
- Rolling Delta - 1
- routes - 1
- Russia - 1
- R - 1
- Saikaku Ihara - 1
- Scholarly Communication - 1
- scholarly editing - 1
- Scholarly editions - 1
- Scholarly Edition - 1
- scholarly edition - 1
- scholarly journals - 1
- Scholarly Primitives - 1
- Scholarly Venues - 1
- science fiction - 1
- search engine biases - 1
- search - 1
- Semantic Annotation - 1
- Semantic annotation - 1
- semantic enhancement - 1
- semantic linking - 1
- Semantic Web - 1
- sentiment classification - 1
- September 11 2001 - 1
- sequence alignment - 1
- serialized fiction - 1
- Sexuality - 1
- Simulation - 1
- simulation - 1
- small-world - 1
- Smartphone - 1
- social editing - 1
- social hierarchy - 1
- social identity - 1
- Social Informatics - 1
- Social Media - 1
- Social media - 1
- social networking - 1
- social network - 1
- soft fabrication - 1
- software design and development - 1
- source management - 1
- space and place - 1
- Space - 1
- space - 1
- speech - 1
- Standards - 1
- standoff - 1
- Statistical Modeling - 1
- Statistical science - 1
- storytelling - 1
- surrealism - 1
- sustainability models - 1
- sustainability - 1
- system design - 1
- systems modelling - 1
- systems - 1
- table of contents - 1
- tagging behavior - 1
- tags - 1
- Tangible User Interface - 1
- TAPoR 2.0 - 1
- teaching - 1
- TEI XML - 1
- tei - 1
- telegraphy - 1
- television studies - 1
- Television - 1
- temporal - 1
- Text Analytics - 1
- Text Mining - 1
- text representation - 1
- text retrieval - 1
- text theory - 1
- Text-image linking - 1
- Text-text-linking - 1
- textile fabrication - 1
- textual analysis - 1
- Textual Criticism - 1
- textual criticism - 1
- textual variation - 1
- textuality - 1
- text - 1
- theory & practice - 1
- tool building - 1
- Tool Development - 1
- tool reviews - 1
- tools in the hands of workers - 1
- Tool - 1
- tool - 1
- topic-modeling - 1
- toponym identification - 1
- training - 1
- Transatlantic Communities - 1
- transnational networks - 1
- trusted digital repository - 1
- Twitter - 1
- Undergraduate - 1
- undergraduate - 1
- unformatted entry - 1
- Unicode - 1
- universal design - 1
- use cases - 1
- user engagement - 1
- User ethnography - 1
- user evaluation - 1
- user interfaces - 1
- User studies - 1
- user studies - 1
- user-interface design - 1
- user - 1
- Variant - 1
- Versioning - 1
- virtual communities - 1
- virtual laboratories - 1
- Virtual Research Environments - 1
- virtual worlds - 1
- visual browsing - 1
- visualisation - 1
- Voyant - 1
- web application - 1
- Web database - 1
- web design - 1
- web development - 1
- Web resources - 1
- web search - 1
- Web Tools - 1
- web - 1
- Wikimedia - 1
- wiki - 1
- women writers - 1
- women - 1
- Wordcloud - 1
- workflows - 1
- workflow - 1
- world wide web - 1
- writing - 1
- XML - 1
- XQuery - 1
- XSLT - 1