Test Schedule and Events

Date: Wednesday, 17/Jul/2013
LP01: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Edward Vanhoutte

Uncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949 – 1980: findings and reflections on the pilot project

Nyhan, Julianne

Digital Textual Studies, Social Informatics, and the Sociology of Texts: A Case Study in Early Digital Medievalism

Simpson, Grant Leyton

The Network is Everting: the Death of Cyberspace and the Emergence of the Digital Humanities

Jones, Steven Edward

LP02: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Mitsuyuki Inaba

The Crowdsourcing Process: Decisions about Tasks, Expertise, Communities and Platforms

Siemens, Lynne

Incidental Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing in the Periphery

Organisciak, Peter

Opening Aladdin’s cave or Pandora’s box? The challenges of crowdsourcing the Medici Archives

Allori, Lorenzo; Kaborycha, Lisa

LP03: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Jarom Lyle McDonald

Contemporary solutions to retrieve and publish information in ancient documents using RDF and Islandora

Tupman, Charlotte; Jordanous, Anna; Stanley, Alan

Fitting Personal Interpretations with the Semantic Web

Bradley, John; Pasin, Michele

A Comparative Kalendar: Building a Research Tool for Medieval Books of Hours from Distributed Resources

Albritton, Benjamin; Sanderson, Robert; Bradshaw, Shannon; Ginther, James; Foys, Martin

PS01: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Raymond George Siemens

The Design of New Knowledge Environments

Blandford, Ann; Brown, Susan; Dobson, Teresa; Faisal, Sarah; Fiorentino, Carlos; Frizzera, Luciano; Giacometti, Alejandro; Heller, Brooke; Roeder, Geoff; Peña, Ernesto; I…

SP01: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Ethan Watrall

Lost in the Data, Aerial Views of an Archaeological Collection

Esteva, Maria; Trelogan, Jessica A; Xu, Weijia; Solis, Andrew J; Lauland, Nicholas E

Inspired by DH: The Day of Archaeology

Richardson, Lorna-Jane

A 3D Common Ground: Bringing Humanities Data Together Inside Online Game Engines

Coltrain, James Joel

LEXUS 3 – a collaborative environment for multimedia lexica

Shayan, Shakila; Moreira, Andre; Windhouwer, Menzo; KÖnig, Alexander; Drude, Sebastian

Memoragram, a service for collective remembrance

Arauco Dextre, Renzo

SP02: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Karina van Dalen-Oskam

The Full-Spectrum Text-Analysis Spreadsheet

Hoover, David L.

This is Not a Novel: Experimental Literature as Prototype

Mauro, Aaron

Fine-tuning Stylometric Tools: Investigating Authorship and Genre in French Classical Theater

SchÖch, Christof

Are Google’s linguistic prosthesis biased towards commercially more interesting expressions? A preliminary study on the linguistic effects of autocompletion algorithms.

Jobin, Anna; Kaplan, Frederic

Digitizing Serialized Fiction

Hess, Kirk

LP04: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Scott Weingart

Victorian Paratextual Poetics and Citation Analysis

Walsh, John; Sugimoto, Cassidy

Citation studies in the humanities

Sula, Chris Alen; Miller, Matt

Automatic Detection of Reuses and Citations in Literary Texts

Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel; Glaudes, Pierre; DelLungo, Andrea

LP05: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Susan Brown

Against the Binary of Gender: A Case for Considering the Many Dimensions of Gender in DH Teaching and Research

Radzikowska, Milena; Sostar, Tiffany; Ruecker, Stan

Digital Humanities: Egalitarian or the New Elite?

Skallerup Bessette, Lee; Silva-Ford, Liana; Risam, Roopika; Moesch, Jarah; Stalsberg Canelli, Alyssa; McMillan Cottom, Tressie

Becoming interdisciplinary

McCarty, Willard

LP06: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Jacqueline Hettel

Uncovering Reprinting Networks in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers

Cordell, Ryan; Maddock Dillon, Elizabeth; Smith, David

Literary Geography at Corpus Scale

Wilkens, Matthew

Practical Interoperability: The Map of Early Modern London and the Internet Shakespeare Editions

Holmes, Martin; Jenstad, Janelle

PS02: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Ian R. Johnson

Circular Development: Neatline and the User/Developer Feedback Loop

Boggs, Jeremy; Earhart, Amy; Graham, Wayne; Kelly, T. Mills; McClure, David; Moore, Shawn; Rochester, Eric

SP03: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Stéfan Sinclair

The German Language of the Year 1933. Building a Diachronic Text Corpus for Historical German Language Studies.

Biber, Hanno; Breiteneder, Evelyn

Digging into Human Rights Violations: phrase mining and trigram visualization

Miller, Ben; Li, Fuxin; Shrestha, Ayush; Umapathy, Karthikeyan

Automatic annotation of linguistic 2D and Kinect recordings with the Media Query Language for Elan

Lenkiewicz, Anna; Drude, Sebastian

Eighteenth- and Twenty-First-Century Genres of Topical Knowledge

Jennings, Collin; Binder, Jeff

VizOR: Visualizing Only Revolutions, Visualizing Textual Analysis

Solomon, Dana Ryan; Thomas, Lindsay

SP04: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Deb Verhoeven

The DARIAH Approach to Interdisciplinary Interoperability

Romanello, Matteo; Beer, Nikolaos; Herold, Kristin; Kolbmann, Wibke; Kollatz, Thomas; Rose, Sebastian; Walkowski, Niels

Coding Media History: A Digital Suite for Opening Access, Building Tools, and Analyzing Texts

Hoyt, Eric Rutledge

SIMSSA: Towards full-music search over a large collection of musical scores

Fujinaga, Ichiro; Hankinson, Andrew

Developing a virtual research environment for scholarly editing. Arthur Schnitzler: Digitale Historisch-Kritische Edition

Buedenbender, Stefan; Burch, Thomas; Fink, Kristina; Lukas, Wolfgang; Queens, Frank; Sirajzade, Joshgun

Linked Open Data & the OpenEmblem Portal

Cole, Timothy W.; Han, Myung-Ja K.; Wade, Mara R.; Stäcker, Thomas

LP07: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Paul Arthur

Exquisite Haiku: Experiments with Real-Time, Collaborative Poetry Composition

McClure, David William

Building the Social Scholarly Edition: Results and Findings from _A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript_.

Powell, Daniel James; Crompton, Constance; Siemens, Ray

Centre and Circumference: Modelling and Prototyping Digital Knowledge Environments as Social Sandboxes

Saklofske, Jon

LP08: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Mia Ridge

Theorizing Data Visualization: A Comparative Case-Study Approach

Solomon, Dana Ryan

Scientific Visualization for the Digital Humanities as CLARIN-D Web Applications

Zastrow, Thomas; Hinrichs, Erhard; Hinrichs, Marie; Beck, Kathrin

Freedom and Flow: A New Approach to Visualizing Poetry

Coles, Katharine; Lein, Julie; Wynne, Martin; Abdul-Rahman, Alfie

LP09: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Lynne Siemens

User ethnographies: informing requirements specifications for Ireland’s, national, trusted digital repository.

Webb, Sharon; Keating, John

The Digitized Divide: Mapping Access to Subscription-Based Digitized Resources

Gooding, Paul Matthew

The Advanced Identity Representation (AIR) Project: A Digital Humanities Approach to Social Identity Pedagogy

Harrell, D. Fox

PS03: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Lisa Spiro

The Future of Undergraduate Digital Humanities

Croxall, Brian; Singer, Kate; Ball, Cheryl E; Cordell, Ryan; Davis, Rebecca Frost; McDonald, Jarom; Posner, Miriam; Theibault, John

SP05: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Scot French

Linked Jazz 52nd Street: A LOD Crowdsourcing Tool to Reveal Connections among Jazz Artists

Pattuelli, M. Cristina; Matt, Miller; Lea, Lange; Hilary, Thorsen

Bibliopedia, Linked Open Data, and the Web of Scholarly Citations

Widner, Michael Lee; Yandell, Jason

Ontology and collaborative knowledge environment in Digital Humanities: the Cardano Case

Luzzi, Damiana; Baldi, Marialuisa

Semantic Augmentation and Externalization in the Humanities: a Demonstrative Use Case

Morbidoni, Christian; Grassi, Marco; Nucci, Michele; Fonda, Simone

Optimized platform for capturing metadata of historical correspondences

Andert, Martin; Ritter, Joerg; Molitor, Paul

SP06: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: A. Charles Muller

Ambiances: A Framework to Write and Visualize Poetry

Meneses, Luis; Furuta, Richard; Mandell, Laura

XML-Print: Addressing Challenges for Scholarly Typesetting

Küster, Marc Wilhem; Selig, Thomas; Georgieff, Lukas; Sievers, Martin; Bittorf, Michael

Bindings of Uncertainty. Visualizing Uncertain and Imprecise Data in Automatically Generated Bookbinding Structure Diagrams

Campagnolo, Alberto; Velios, Athanasios

Possibilities of narrative visualization: Case studies of lesson-learned-oriented archiving for natural disaster

Nameda, Akinobu; Wakabayashi, Kosuke; Nakatsuma, Takuya; Hatano, Tomomi; Saito, Shinya; Inaba, Mitsuyuki; Sato, Tatsuya

“Visualizing Uncertainty: How to Use the Fuzzy Data of 550 Medieval Texts?”

Jänicke, Stefan; Wrisley, David Joseph

Poster SessionsAll poster sessions will be in the Centennial Room, Nebraska Union.
Date: Thursday, 18/Jul/2013
LP10: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Rafael Alvarado

A Digital Humanities Approach to the Design of Gesture-Driven Interactive Narratives

Harrell, D. Fox; Chow, Kenny K. N.; Loyer, Erik


Wiesner, Susan L.; Bennett, Bradford C.; Stalnaker, Rommie L.; Simpson, Travis

Made to Make: Expanding Digital Humanities through Desktop Fabrication

Sayers, Jentery; Boggs, Jeremy; Elliott, Devon; Turkel, William J.

LP11: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Fotis Jannidis

Bootstrapping Delta: a safety net in open-set authorship attribution

Eder, Maciej

Almost All the Way Through–All at Once

Hoover, David L.

Collaborative Authorship: Conrad, Ford and Rolling Delta

Rybicki, Jan; Hoover, David L.; Kestemont, Mike

LP12: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Arianna Ciula

A national virtual laboratory for the humanities in Australia: the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) project

Burrows, Toby Nicolas; Verhoeven, Deb

MESA and ARC, developing disciplinary metadata requirements in a multidisciplinary context

Porter, Dot

Building Ontologies in Theory and Practice

Simpson, John Edward; Brown, Susan; Goddard, Lisa

PS04: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Karin Dalziel

Current Research & Practice in Digital Archaeology

Watrall, Ethan; Graham, Shawn; Frey, Jon M.; Schopieray, Scott; Adams, Brian; Brock, Terry P.; Wells, Joshua J.; Anderson, David G.; Yerka, Stephen J.; Kansa, Eric…

SP07: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Jean Ann Bauer

Documentary Social Networks: Collective Biographies of Women

Booth, Alison; Martin, Worthy

Databases in Context: Transnational Compilations, and Networks of Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present

Hoogenboom, Hilde M.

On Our Own Authority: Crafting Personographic Records for Canadian Gay and Lesbian Liberation Activists

Crompton, Constance; Schwartz, Michelle

Research to clarify the interrelationships between family members through the analysis of family photographs

TOGIYA, Norio; KAWASHIMA, Takanori

Prosopography in the time of Open data: Towards an Ontology for Historical Persons

Bradley, John

SP08: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Jon Saklofske

Toward a Noisier Digital Humanities

Lingold, Mary Caton; Mueller, Darren; Trettien, Whitney

Linked Data for Music Collections: A User-Centred Approach

Grimes, Jonathan; Lawless, Seamus

Schooling the Scholar, Poaching the Fan: Fanic Intellectual Production and Digital Humanities Methods

Goodwin, Hannah; D’Silva, Alston

Robots Watching Television: Algorithmic Approaches to Multimedia Analysis in the Humanities

McDonald, Jarom Lyle; Hunter, Ian

LP13: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Neil R. Fraistat

4Humanities: Designing Digital Advocacy

Thomas, Lindsay; Liu, Alan; Rockwell, Geoffrey; Sinclair, Stéfan; Terras, Melissa; Bielby, Jared; Smith, Victoria; Turcato, Mark; Henseler, Christine

‘State of the Art’: Negotiating a National Standards-approved Digital Humanities Curriculum

Smithies, James; Millar, Paul; Bellamy, Craig

From Anecdote to Data: Humanities Scholars Beyond the Tenure Track

Rogers, Katina Lynn

LP14: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Tomoji Tabata

Stylometry and the Complex Authorship in Hildegard of Bingen’s Oeuvre

Kestemont, Mike; Moens, Sara; Deploige, Jeroen

Epistolary voices. The case of Elisabeth Wolff and Agatha Deken

van Dalen-Oskam, Karina

A Text-Mining Approach to the Authorship Attribution Problem of Dream of the Red Chamber

Tu, Hsieh-Chang; Hsiang, Jieh

LP15: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Amanda Gailey

Reading the Visual Page of Victorian Poetry

Houston, Natalie M; Audenaert, Neal

Representing Materiality in a Digital Archive: Death Comes for the Archbishop as a Case Study

Lavin, Matthew

Beyond the Document: Transcribing the Text of the Document and the Variant States of the Text.

Bordalejo, Barbara

PS05: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Kenneth Marsden Price

“Center for Historical Information and Analysis: Big Data in History”

Manning, Patrick; Mostern, Ruth; Cao, Kai; Johnson, Ian

SP09: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Michelle Dalmau

Lexomics: Integrating the research and teaching spaces

LeBlanc, Mark D.; Drout, Michael; Kahn, Michael; Herbert, Alicia; Neal, Richard

The Digital Scholarship Training Programme at British Library

McGregor, Nora

Designing a graduate DH course with DH tools and methods

Kee, Kevin Bradley; Roberts, Spencer

Meta-Methodologies and the DH Methodological Commons: Potential Contribution of Management and Entrepreneurship to DH Skill Development

Siemens, Lynne

A New Ecological Model for Learning

Cenkl, Pavel Thomas

SP10: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: David Beavan

A catalogue of digital editions

Franzini, Greta

Collation on the Web

Schmidt, Desmond

An Interactive Interface for Text Variant Graph Models

Andrews, Tara Lee; van Zundert, Joris Job

Versioning Texts and Concepts

Carter, Daniel; Ross, Stephen; Sayers, Jentery; Schreibman, Susan

LP16: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: John Bradley

Word-level Language Identification in “The Chymistry of Isaac Newton”

King, Levi; Kübler, Sandra; Hooper, Wallace

Counting Words with Henry James: Towards a Quantitative Hermeneutics

Fyfe, Paul

The Science Fiction of Science: Collaborative Lexicons and Project Hieroglyph

Finn, Edward

LP17: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Elisabeth Burr

Extraction and Analysis of Character Interaction Networks From Plays and Movies

Suen, Caroline; Kuenzel, Laney; Gil, Sebastian

A social network analysis of Rousseau’s autobiography “Les Confessions”.

Rochat, Yannick; Bornet, Cyril; Kaplan, Frédéric

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon

Finegold, Michael Andrew; Warren, Christopher; Shalizi, Cosma; Wang, Lawrence; Shore, Daniel

LP18: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Isabel Galina Russell

Should the Digital Humanities be taking a lead in Open Access and Online Teaching Materials?

Mahony, Simon; Tiedau, Ulrich

Scholarly Open Access Research in Philosophy: Limits and Horizons of a European Innovative Project.

Cristina, Marras; Antonio, Lamarra

Collaborative technologies for Knowledge Socialization: the case of elBulli

Jiménez-Mavillard, Antonio; Suárez, Juan Luis

PS06: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Walter Scholger

Text Theory, Digital Document, and the Practice of Digital Editions

Van Zundert, Joris Job; Van den Heuvel, Charles; Brumfield, Ben; Van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; Franzini, Greta; Sahle, Patrick; Shaw, Ryan; Terras, Melissa

SP11: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Øyvind Eide

Mapping Homer’s Catalogue of Ships

Jasnow, Ben; Evans, Courtney

Literary Editions and GIS (a field report)

Roland, Meg

Computing Place

Grossner, Karl

A Clear Temporal GIS Viewer and Software for Discovering Irregularities in Historical GIS

Kantabutra, Vitit

Mapping Text: Automated Geoparsing and Map Browser for Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Weimer, Katherine H.; Creel, James; Modala, Naga Raghuveer; Gargate, Rohit

SP12: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Tara Lee Andrews

Combining tailor made research solutions with big infrastructures: The speaking map of the Netherlands

Zeldenrust, Douwe; Van Oostendorp, Marc

CULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers

Bailey, Eoin; Sweetnam, Mark; Ó Siochrú, Micheál; Conlan, Owen

Beyond the Scanned Image: A Needs Assessment of Faculty Users of Digital Collections

Green, Harriett Elizabeth; Saylor, Nicole; Courtney, Angela

An Environment to Support User-Structured Digital Humanities Sources

Teehan, Aja; Keating, John

Mapping DH through heterogeneous communicative practices

Bowman, Timothy David; Demarest, Bradford; Weingart, Scott B.; Simpson, Grant Leyton; Lariviere, Vincent; Thelwall, Mike; Sugimoto, Cassidy R.

Date: Friday, 19/Jul/2013
LP19: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Susan Schreibman

Pure Transcriptional Markup

Caton, Paul

Markup Beyond XML

Piez, Wendell

Five desiderata for scholarly editions in digital form

Robinson, Peter

LP20: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Peter Organisciak

Inferring Social Rank in an Old Assyrian Trade Network

Bamman, David; Anderson, Adam; Smith, Noah A.

Preliminaries: The Social Networks of Literary Production in the Spanish Empire During the Administration of the Duke of Lerma(1598-1618)

Brown, David Michael; Suárez, Juan Luis

Simulating Plot: Towards a Generative Model of Narrative Structure

Sack, Graham Alexander

LP21: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Brian L. Pytlik Zillig

Agents for Actors

Küster, Marc Wilhelm

Unsupervised Learning of Plot Structure: A Study in Category Romance

Elliott, Jack

Tropes, Context and Computation: An approach to digital poetics

Algee-Hewitt, Mark Andrew; Heuser, Ryan

PS07: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Elizabeth M Lorang

Computational Rhetoric: Adapting Graph Theory Analytics to Big Data

Hart-Davidson, William; Rehberger, Dean; Grabill, Jeffrey; Omizo, Ryan

SP13: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Daniel Paul O’Donnell

Introducing Anvil Academic: Developing Publishing Models for the Digital Humanities

Moody, Fred; Spiro, Lisa; Jackson, Korey

eBook as Ecosystem of Digital Scholarship

Long, Christopher

Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities

Nyhan, Julianne; Duke-Williams, Oliver

Reading Habits & Attitude in the Digital Environment: A Study on Dhaka University Students

Islam, Md. Anwarul

Identifying the Real-time impact of the Digital Humanities using Social Media Measures

Alhoori, Hamed M; Furuta, Richard

SP14: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Jeremy Boggs

Widening the Big Tent: Amateurs and the “Failure of the Digital Humanities”

Rowberry, Simon

Academic Migrants: A Digital Discussion of Transnational Teaching and Learning

Donaldson, Olivia

Solitary Mind, Collaborative Mind: Close Reading and Interdisciplinary Research

Coles, Katharine; Lein, Julie Gonnering

A Community Fab Lab: Introductions to Making

McGrath, Robert E

LP22: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 4
Chair: Claire Clivaz

The FAST-CAT: Empowering Cultural Heritage Annotations

Munnelly, Gary; Hampson, Cormac; Ferro, Nicola; Conlan, Owen

Text to Image Linking Tool (TILT)

Schmidt, Desmond

An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection

Agosti, Maristella; Benfante, Lucio; Manfioletti, Marta; Orio, Nicola; Ponchia, Chiara

LP23: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Melissa Terras

TXM Platform for analysis of TEI encoded textual sources

Heiden, Serge; Lavrentiev, Alexei

Text Encoding, the Index, and the Dynamic Table of Contexts

Brown, Susan; Adelaar, Nadine; Ruecker, Stan; Sinclair, Stéfan; Knechtel, Ruth; Windsor, Jennifer

XQuery databases for language resources in the IAIA and UyLVs Projects

Sperberg-McQueen, Michael; Dwyer, Arienne M.

LP24: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Willard McCarty

Agent-Based Modeling and Historical Simulation

Gavin, Michael

Slave Biographies: Atlantic Database Network

Rehberger, Dean; Hawthorne, Walter; Midlo Hall, Gwendolyn; LaChance, Paul; Foley, Catherine

Simulation of the Complex System of Cultural Interaction

Kretzschmar, William; Juuso, Ilkka; Bailey, C. Thomas

PS08: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Purdom Lindblad

Excavating Feminisms: Digital Humanities and Feminist Scholarship

Harris, Katherine D.; Wernimont, Jacqueline; Inman Berens, Kathi; Grigar, Dene

SP15: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: Maciej Eder

Encoding historical dates correctly: is it practical, and is it worth it?

Holmes, Martin; Jenstad, Janelle; Butt, Cameron

Identifying the author of the Noh play by considering a rhythmic structure - Validating the application of multivariate analysis -

Takahashi, Mito; Tezuka, Kana; Yano, Tamaki

Authorship problem of Japanese early modern literatures in Seventeenth Century

Uesaka, Ayaka; Murakami, Masakatsu

Representing Texts Electronically in Lesser-used Languages: Current Issues and Challenges in Character Encoding

Anderson, Deborah

SP16: Short Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Dorothy Carr Porter

Visualizing Centuries: Data Visualization and the Comedie-Francaise Registers Project

Lipshin, Jason; Fendt, Kurt; Ravel, Jeffrey; Zhang, Jia

ChartEx: a project to extract information from the content of medieval charters and create a virtual workbench for historians to work with this information

Petrie, Helen; Rees Jones, Sarah; Power, Christopher; Evans, Roger; Cahill, Lynne; Knobbe, Arno; Gervers, Michael; Sutherland-Harris, Robin; Kosto, Adam; Crump, Jon

Dyadic pulsations as a signature of sustainability in correspondence networks

Aeschbach, Michael; Brandt, Pierre-Yves; Kaplan, Frédéric

Using the Social Web to Explore the Online Discourse and Memory of the Civil War

Appleford, Simon; Thatcher, Jason

Expanding and connecting the annotation tool ELAN

Sloetjes, Han; Somasundaram, Aarthy; Drude, Sebastian; Stehouwer, Herman; van de Looij, Kees Jan

LP25: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 2
Chair: James Dakin Smithies

From database to mobile app: scholar-led development of the Heurist platform

Johnson, Ian R.

What ever happened to Project Bamboo?

Dombrowski, Quinn

A concept of data modeling for the humanities

Jannidis, Fotis; Flanders, Julia

LP26: Long Paper Session
Location: Embassy 3
Chair: Claire Warwick

“Shall These Bits Live?” Towards a Digital Forensics Research Agenda for Digital Humanities with the BitCurator Project

Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Lee, Cal; Woods, Kam; Chassanoff, Alex; Olsen, Porter; Mithra, Sunitha

Surrogacy and Image Error: Transformations in the Value of Digitized Books

Conway, Paul

Responding to the frame: classification, material boundaries, and expressiveness in personal digital bibliography

Feinberg, Melanie

LP27: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 1
Chair: Vika Zafrin

Open Notebook Humanities: Promise and Problems

Shaw, Ryan; Buckland, Michael; Golden, Patrick

eResearch Tools to Support the Collaborative Authoring and Management of Electronic Scholarly Editions

Osborne, Roger; Gerber, Anna; Hunter, Jane

Beyond Infrastructure: Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration

Schreibman, Susan; Gradmann, Stefan; Hennicke, Steffen; Blanke, Tobias; Chambers, Sally; Dunning, Alastair; Gray, Jonathan; Lauer, Gerhard; Pichler, Alois; Renn…

LP28: Long Paper Session
Location: CBA 2
Chair: Masahiro Shimoda

Document classification based on what is there and what should be there

Levy, Noga; Wolf, Lior; Stokes, Peter

The Sounds of the Psalter: Computational Analysis of Phonological Parallelism in Biblical Hebrew Poetry

Benner, Drayton Callen

PS09: Panel Session
Location: Embassy 1
Chair: Bethany Nowviskie

Issues in Spatio-Temporal Technologies for the Humanities and Arts

Eide, Øyvind; Grossner, Karl; Berman, Merrick Lex; Ore, Christian-Emil