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- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115A Comparative Kalendar: Building a Research Tool for Medieval Books of Hours from Distributed Resources
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DOpening Aladdin’s cave or Pandora’s box? The challenges of crowdsourcing the Medici Archives
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Contemporary solutions to retrieve and publish information in ancient documents using RDF and Islandora
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ELEXUS 3 — a collaborative environment for multimedia lexica
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FThis is Not a Novel: Experimental Literature as Prototype
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ELost in the Data, Aerial Views of an Archaeological Collection
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DIncidental Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing in the Periphery
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EMemoragram, a service for collective remembrance
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CThe Network is Everting: the Death of Cyberspace and the Emergence of the Digital Humanities
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FFine-tuning Stylometric Tools: Investigating Authorship and Genre in French Classical Theater
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FAre Google's linguistic prosthesis biased towards commercially more interesting expressions? A preliminary study on the linguistic effects of autocompletion algorithms
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CUncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949–1980: findings and reflections on the pilot project
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EA 3D Common Ground: Bringing Humanities Data Together Inside Online Game Engines
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DThe Crowdsourcing Process: Decisions about Tasks, Expertise, Communities and Platforms
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CDigital Textual Studies, Social Informatics, and the Sociology of Texts: A Case Study in Early Digital Medievalism
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FThe Full-Spectrum Text-Analysis Spreadsheet
- July17, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Fitting Personal Interpretations with the Semantic Web
- July17, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FDigitizing Serialized Fiction
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DAgainst the Binary of Gender: A Case for Considering the Many Dimensions of Gender in DH Teaching and Research
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EAutomatic annotation of linguistic 2D and Kinect recordings with the Media Query Language for Elan
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CVictorian Paratextual Poetics and Citation Analysis
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EVizOR: Visualizing Only Revolutions, Visualizing Textual Analysis
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EThe German Language of the Year 1933. Building a Diachronic Text Corpus for Historical German Language Studies.
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FCoding Media History: A Digital Suite for Opening Access, Building Tools, and Analyzing Texts
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Uncovering Reprinting Networks in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FThe DARIAH Approach to Interdisciplinary Interoperability
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CAutomatic Detection of Reuses and Citations in Literary Texts
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CCitation studies in the humanities
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FSIMSSA: Towards full-music search over a large collection of musical scores
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EEighteenth- and Twenty-First-Century Genres of Topical Knowledge
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Literary Geography at Corpus Scale
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DBecoming interdisciplinary
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Practical Interoperability: The Map of Early Modern London and the Internet Shakespeare Editions
- July17, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DDigital Humanities: Egalitarian or the New Elite?
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EDigging into Human Rights Violations: phrase mining and trigram visualization
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FDeveloping a virtual research environment for scholarly editing. Arthur Schnitzler: Digitale Historisch-Kritische Edition
- July17, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FLinked Open Data & the OpenEmblem Portal
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ELinked Jazz 52nd Street: A LOD Crowdsourcing Tool to Reveal Connections among Jazz Artists
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EBibliopedia, Linked Open Data, and the Web of Scholarly Citations
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FPossibilities of narrative visualization: Case studies of lesson-learned-oriented archiving for natural disaster
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DTheorizing Data Visualization: A Comparative Case-Study Approach
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115User ethnographies: informing requirements specifications for Ireland’s, national, trusted digital repository.
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FVisualizing Uncertainty: How to Use the Fuzzy Data of 550 Medieval Texts?
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CExquisite Haiku: Experiments with Real-Time, Collaborative Poetry Composition
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FAmbiances: A Framework to Write and Visualize Poetry
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FXML-Print: Addressing Challenges for Scholarly Typesetting
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EOptimized platform for capturing metadata of historical correspondences
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DScientific Visualization for the Digital Humanities as CLARIN-D Web Applications
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115The Digitized Divide: Mapping Access to Subscription-Based Digitized Resources
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CBuilding the Social Scholarly Edition: Results and Findings from A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ESemantic Augmentation and Externalization in the Humanities: a Demonstrative Use Case
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DFreedom and Flow: A New Approach to Visualizing Poetry
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115The Advanced Identity Representation (AIR) Project: A Digital Humanities Approach to Social Identity Pedagogy
- July17, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FBindings of Uncertainty. Visualizing Uncertain and Imprecise Data in Automatically Generated Bookbinding Structure Diagrams
- July17, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CCentre and Circumference: Modelling and Prototyping Digital Knowledge Environments as Social Sandboxes
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DCollaborative Authorship: Conrad, Ford and Rolling Delta
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CComputer Identification of Movement in 2D and 3D Data
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DAlmost All the Way Through — All at Once
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FApproaching Algorithmic Media Analysis in the Humanities: An Experimental Testbed
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CMade to Make: Expanding Digital Humanities through Desktop Fabrication
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EDocumentary Social Networks: Collective Biographies of Women
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EDatabases in Context: Transnational Compilations, and Networks of Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EOn Our Own Authority: Crafting Personographic Records for Canadian Gay and Lesbian Liberation Activists
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FLinked Data for Music Collections: A User-Centred Approach
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FToward a Noisier Digital Humanities
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CA Digital Humanities Approach to the Design of Gesture-Driven Interactive Narratives
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115A Humanist Perspective on Building Ontologies in Theory and Practice
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EResearch to clarify the interrelationships between family members through the analysis of family photographs
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EProsopography in the time of Open data: Towards an Ontology for Historical Persons
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DBootstrapping Delta: a safety net in open-set authorship attribution
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115A national virtual laboratory for the humanities in Australia: the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) project
- July18, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115MESA and ARC, developing disciplinary metadata requirements in a multidisciplinary context
- July18, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FSchooling the Scholar, Poaching the Fan: Fannish Intellectual Production and Digital Humanities Methods
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ELexomics: Integrating the research and teaching spaces
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DA Text-Mining Approach to the Authorship Attribution Problem of Dream of the Red Chamber
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FA catalogue of digital editions
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EDesigning a graduate DH course with DH tools and methods
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents C4Humanities: Designing Digital Advocacy
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EThe Digital Scholarship Training Programme at British Library
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Reading the Visual Page of Victorian Poetry
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FCollation on the Web
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DStylometry and the Complex Authorship in Hildegard of Bingen’s Oeuvre
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EMeta-Methodologies and the DH Methodological Commons: Potential Contribution of Management and Entrepreneurship to DH Skill Development
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Beyond the Document: Transcribing the Text of the Document and the Variant States of the Text
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FAn Interactive Interface for Text Variant Graph Models
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Representing Materiality in a Digital Archive: Death Comes for the Archbishop as a Case Study
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CFrom Anecdote to Data: Humanities Scholars Beyond the Tenure Track
- July18, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FVersioning Texts and Concepts
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents C‘State of the Art’: Negotiating a National Standards-approved Digital Humanities Curriculum
- July18, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DEpistolary voices. The case of Elisabeth Wolff and Agatha Deken
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CWord-level Language Identification in “The Chymistry of Isaac Newton“
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FCombining tailor made research solutions with big infrastructures: The speaking map of the Netherlands
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EMapping Editions: Literary Editions and GIS (a field report)
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CThe Science Fiction of Science: Collaborative Lexicons and Project Hieroglyph
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FBeyond the Scanned Image: A Needs Assessment of Faculty Users of Digital Collections
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DExtraction and Analysis of Character Interaction Networks From Plays and Movies
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FAn Environment to Support User-Structured Digital Humanities Sources
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EMapping Text: Automated Geoparsing and Map Browser for Electronic Theses and Dissertations
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FCULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EA Clear Temporal GIS Viewer and Software for Discovering Irregularities in Historical GIS
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FMapping DH through heterogeneous communicative practices
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Scholarly Open Access Research in Philosophy: Limits and Horizons of a European Innovative Project.
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CCounting Words with Henry James: Towards a Quantitative Hermeneutics
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DA social network analysis of Rousseau's autobiography "Les Confessions"
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EComputing Place: The Case of City Nature
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Collaborative technologies for Knowledge Socialization: the case of elBulli
- July18, 2013, 13:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EMapping Homer's Catalogue of Ships
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Should the Digital Humanities be taking a lead in Open Access and Online Teaching Materials?
- July18, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DSix Degrees of Francis Bacon
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EIdentifying the Real-time impact of the Digital Humanities using Social Media Measures
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EeBook as Ecosystem of Digital Scholarship
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FWidening the Big Tent: Amateurs and the “Failure of the Digital Humanities”
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FA Community Fab Lab: Introductions to Making
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FSolitary Mind, Collaborative Mind: Close Reading and Interdisciplinary Research
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FAcademic Migrants: A Digital Discussion of Transnational Teaching and Learning
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DPreliminaries: The Social Networks of Literary Production in the Spanish Empire During the Administration of the Duke of Lerma (1598-1618)
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Tropes, Context and Computation: An approach to digital poetics
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CFive desiderata for scholarly editions in digital form
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EIntroducing Anvil Academic: Developing Publishing Models for the Digital Humanities
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CPure Transcriptional Markup
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Agents for Actors: A Digital Humanities framework for distributed microservices for text linking and visualization
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DInferring Social Rank in an Old Assyrian Trade Network
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EReading Habits & Attitude in the Digital Environment: A Study on Dhaka University Students
- July19, 2013, 08:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EJoint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CMarkup Beyond XML
- July19, 2013, 08:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Unsupervised Learning of Plot Structure: A Study in Category Romance
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Slave Biographies: Atlantic Database Network
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FChartEx: a project to extract information from the content of medieval charters and create a virtual workbench for historians to work with this information
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FVisualizing Centuries: Data Visualization and the Comédie-Française Registers Project
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DTXM Platform for analysis of TEI encoded textual sources
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EEncoding historical dates correctly: is it practical, and is it worth it?
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CAn Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents ERepresenting Texts Electronically in Lesser-used Languages: Current Issues and Challenges in Character Encoding
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EIdentifying the author of the Noh play by considering a rhythmic structure — Validating the application of multivariate analysis
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CText to Image Linking Tool (TILT)
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FExpanding and connecting the annotation tool ELAN
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FUsing the Social Web to Explore the Online Discourse and Memory of the Civil War
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents FDyadic pulsations as a signature of sustainability in correspondence networks
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DXQuery databases for language resources in the IAIA and UyLVs Projects
- July19, 2013, 10:30Short Paper, Embassy Regents EAuthorship problem of Japanese early modern literatures in Seventeenth Century
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Agent-Based Modeling and Historical Simulation
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CThe FAST-CAT: Empowering Cultural Heritage Annotations
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Simulation of the Complex System of Cultural Interaction
- July19, 2013, 10:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DText Encoding, the Index, and the Dynamic Table of Contexts
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Open Notebook Humanities: Promise and Problems
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115eResearch Tools to Support the Collaborative Authoring and Management of Electronic Scholarly Editions
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, CBA 143The Sounds of the Psalter: Computational Analysis of Phonological Parallelism in Biblical Hebrew Poetry
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DResponding to the frame: classification, material boundaries, and expressiveness in personal digital bibliography
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, CBA 143Simulating Plot: Towards a Generative Model of Narrative Structure
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents D"Shall These Bits Live?" Towards a Digital Forensics Research Agenda for Digital Humanities with the BitCurator Project
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CFrom database to mobile app: scholar-led development of the Heurist platform
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CA concept of data modeling for the humanities
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, CBA 143Document classification based on what is there and what should be there
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Burnett 115Beyond Infrastructure: Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents CWhat ever happened to Project Bamboo?
- July19, 2013, 13:30Long Paper, Embassy Regents DSurrogacy and Image Error: Transformations in the Value of Digitized Books
- WithdrawnShort PaperA New Ecological Model for Learning
- WithdrawnShort PaperInspired by DH: The Day of Archaeology
- WithdrawnShort PaperOntology and collaborative knowledge environment in Digital Humanities: the Cardano Case